Short Term Orthodontics
Align, Bleach and Bond (ABB) is the latest and most conservative way of getting an amazing smile makeover.- all done without the need for cutting or preparing teeth.
In the past patients would have teeth filed back and veneers placed to get a great smile. While sometimes this is necessary, for most patients ABB is now the answer…and this can be achieved in a short time frame of just 6 months!!
Alignment – Using the Short Term Orthodontics cosmetic brace system, the front teeth can be lined up orthodontically.
Bleaching (tooth whitening) – The cosmetic dentists’ best friend! Professional teeth whitening to noticeably ‘lift’ the colour of all teeth.
Bonding– the addition of tooth coloured cosmetic filling where necessary to add the finishing touches.
To find out more, book in your free consultation with our Short Term Orthodontics Recognized Cosmetic Brace Provider Mili Shah.