The loss of a tooth is always a difficult step; there are the functional aspects of losing a back tooth; the aesthetics aspects of losing a tooth near the front of the mouth that leaves a visible gap when smiling; and the psychological aspects of losing a tooth, which is a ready indicator that we are getting older. However, dentistry has changed so much over the past few years, particularly in the field of dental implants, and we now have options to help most patients overcome the loss of a tooth, loss of some teeth and even loss of all of the teeth.
Dental implants have changed dentistry over the past 15 years, providing treatment options for a fixed solution for a missing tooth. The benefits of this option are that we do not interfere with any of the adjacent teeth and that the implants are independent and provide function to the supporting bone, thus stimulating it. The treatment is planned so that we can achieve as natural an appearance as possible. Finally, the data we have so far shows it to be a very predictable method of treatment.
One of the more difficult problems we face in dentistry is the edentulous (no teeth) lower arch, where dentures are so difficult because the bone has been resorbed and there is such limited retention to keep the denture in place. Mini implants offer a cost-effective means of stabilising the denture and really improving the quality of life for denture wearers.
Here at the Dental Spa we are now able to offer “same day teeth”, where modern techniques such as “All on 4”, can provide immediate fixed solutions, when a tooth, or teeth, has to be removed. These are exciting times and there are usually implant options available to help patients over come the loss of a tooth.
If you are faced with losing a tooth, then consider all of your options, before you are left simply left with a missing tooth.